Finasteride and Minoxidil Photos - Case #21047

Patient Case #21047

Finasteride and Minoxidil

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Disclaimer: This female patient who is post-menopausal was prescribed Propecia and Rogaine and is shown 6 months after initiating therapy with excellent results so far. She understands that finasteride [Propecia] is considered an off-label use in women and dangerous in a pre-menopausal woman [she is post-menopausal] due to the risk of birth defects in male fetuses. Early studies showed no improvement in post-menopausal women on finasteride. However, more recent studies [albeit not rigorously controlled] have suggested benefits in post-menopausal women. To emphasize, finasteride is not approved for use in women but is being prescribed as an off-label treatment.


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