Personal Growth Index in Hair Restoration

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This podcast is on personal growth. Index RPG. It is a concept created by a colleague of mine out of Brazil who does long hair transplants. And essentially what that is is taking long hair grafts, transplanting them. It is a strip procedure and he and watches those grow. His argument Is that by having long hairs the patient’s able to be excited about a preview, and by seeing that hair gets excited about the results. To me, sometimes the why did I’ve done this. And the only concern I have is those grafts are very fragile. It’s they’re very easy to fall out if they’re not secured well, and they give sometimes a false impression to the final result, because the discoloration that’s on the scalp makes it look even denser than the actual final result. Well, that all being said, I think what he’s done is an incredible genius idea of measuring. What is the percentage of survival? The question of the hour when you’re looking at survivability with grafted hair. So the personal growth index, essentially what that is First of all, let me tell you what he did. He, first of all, took what’s called the hair mass index, where you actually group a group of hairs and based on the mass of that hair you can do sort of this distinguish or determine a certain number. So, he took this group of hairs measured at the end of the procedure, since remember their long hairs. Then at a year later, he was able to remeasure that hair mass index in the same area of the scalp and find out what percent of hairs actually grew. So, he actually had a hard number on that. And what he found very interesting is several things. First of all, he found that different people, by the same surgeon that is him. So, offering the same quality had different percentages of growth. For example, someone may grow at 85% in someone may grow at 97%. What he found was that those patients that came back and did a second surgery with him. They found that the same person that grew 85 percent would grow 85% the second time, more or less, and the person that grew 98% would grow 98% the second time. Hence the term personal growth index or PGI, meaning the percentage growth of that person. Now, what’s interesting is prior to 2011 when this concept was formulated, I really subscribe to that until a lot of patients about the limitations of growth survival, if their anatomy was not as perfect as possible. Today, still, if someone’s diabetic with pad vascularity, they’ve had huge sun damage, they’ve had maybe cancer, radiation. Whatever those things, I can tell you that still survival could be less. But what’s very interesting is, if you look at my website, even under scar repairs, you can see these patients that have had skin grafts cancer, where you think that the graft survival would be actually poor and adequate still do very well. So, why is this concept, in my opinion, not outdated, but I would say slightly outdated given what has happened in the last 10 years from 2011. I’m doing this podcast now in 2021 to me, what has changed is simply that I’ve been using regenerative medicine PRP a cell ATP hypothermia Soul, more than happy for you to go and listen to the podcast on these concepts, because they take a whole podcast, talk about each one of them. But the easiest way to think about them is that there are fertilizers. They are like, if you put a flower into a piece of some dirt, and you let that flower grow better, the flower grows better because dirt has been fertilized. And these fertilizers regenerative medicines to me, have blown out the idea of PGI. Now, why is that? Back in 2011 as I started to do the first half of placing regenerative medicine into my surgical transplants that is PRP in A cell, I noticed that my patients had come back, and usually with average growth, it wasn’t that great wasn’t spectacular. And I did the second session with them at that transition point with PRP and a cell, and it was insane. The growth of survival is great. If I look at my surgeries prior to 2011 and after 2011, I rarely, if ever see now a case where just it’s really poorly grown. Now it can happen, but it’s pretty uncommon, whereas prior 2011 at wasn’t that common, but it was definitely much more common. And now that I saw those same patients that I went through and did the regenerative techniques, I found that their growth is been exceptionally better after 2011. If anything, if you think about the concept that vascularity, everything is a problem, and they’re getting older getting older and older and older, they actually should maybe not take as well, but they’re taking so much better. And I think the reason why the PGI now is slightly outdated is that, of course, as I said, there’s always limitations based on your own anatomy. But because I have these amazing regenerative fertilizers that can help with survival of the grafts, I believe that the word, the term PGI, maybe slightly outdated, in my opinion today.


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