Corrective Hair Restoration: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Plano, TX.
Fortunately, the era of plug grafting is gone. Unfortunately, many hair-restoration surgeons still create very unnatural looking results. There are many reasons for this outcome. First, the surgeon may not have a clearly artistic vision of what a natural appearing hairline should be or how to position that hairline on a prospective patient’s scalp relative to the shape of the head, amount of hair loss, and other factors. Second, the surgeon who undertakes hair restoration may not understand how natural hair should grow on the head, which is very different for the central hairline, lateral hairline, temporal point, fronto-temporal angle, lateral hump, midscalp, vertex transition point, crown, etc. An in-depth understanding of how hair grows and is lost is a prerequisite to a natural hair restoration result. Finally, the quality of the hair restoration team may be lacking. Without a high level of expertise with the hair transplant team, the result can fall far short of the desired aesthetic mark. The hair-transplant coordinator and the dissection team are responsible for the graft dissection and placement. If the grafts are poorly dissected, transected, placed incorrectly into the wrong sites or manipulated harshly, poor or scattered growth can occur or worse yet kinky, unnatural looking hair. At the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration, our team is not outsourced. Instead, our own, dedicated hair transplant team is on site full time for every case.
Case #90514
Dallas Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Sam Lam’s patient gives a testimonial about his hair transplant result one year after Dr. Lam fixed a “3,000 graft FUE case” that grew poorly performed elsewhere. His previous transplant also featured weirdly angled isolated 2- and 3- hair grafts in the hairline that looked unnatural. This patient also contrasts the pain he went through with the other clinic compared with Dr. Lam’s transplant experience.
Case #84962
This 40-year-old gentleman is shown before and after a beard-to-beard FUE hair transplant to fix a patch of hair loss caused by an inappropriate chin implant performed elsewhere. He also had beard hairs placed to thicken his beard and mustache. A beard transplant using beard hairs is a very sophisticated and technically challenging procedure that spares shaving the scalp as well as risk of donor depletion from the scalp. It also allows matching exact proper hair caliber and curl, as beard hairs are a perfect match for beard hair loss, also leaving behind minimal risk of changes of skin color even in darker skin types unlike scalp FUE harvesting. Of note, Dr. Lam performs all of his own FUE harvesting himself as well as recipient site creation. He does not delegate any of these critical tasks out to third party, unlicensed individuals like in the Black Market of the hair industry.
Case #84745
This 79-year-old gentleman underwent a temporal hair transplant to balance his previous hair transplant work performed elsewhere and also brow surgery that transposed his hairline backwards. He is shown before and one year after his procedure. Temporal points are the most technically challenging area to perform other than the eyebrows and requires a skilled surgeon and team to execute it naturally.
Case #70487
Dallas Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Sam Lam’s patient gives a testimonial four years after his beard FUE salvage hair transplant to correct two prior strip procedures with burned-out donor hair. He gives his testimonial one day after a touch-up procedure. The transplant result shown in the photograph is 100% beard hairs since he had nothing left in his scalp to correct his previous work performed elsewhere.
Case #69756
This patient had 4-mm large plugs in his scalp many years ago and is shown before and 6 months after hair transplant correction by Dr. Lam. This result should continue to thicken and improve over the course of this year.
Case #70967
Dallas Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Sam Lam’s 36-year-old patient gives a testimonial 16 months following a corrective hair transplant using FUT to correct a bad FUE performed in Dallas, Texas, which had left him with a pluggy, wiry result with poor density. Dr. Lam also narrates a closeup donor evaluation showing his nearly undetectable linear scar as opposed to the visible round white holes from prior bad FUE. Before and after photos attached.
Case #68961
This 44-year-old gentleman had two prior failed linear strip excision (LSE) hair transplants along with a failed session of scalp micropigmentation. He is shown before and six months after our corrective LSE hair transplant. He shows significant density to his frontal and crown in a single session.
Case #36106
Male Hair Restoration, Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Ethnic Hair Restoration, Middle Eastern Hair Transplant
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This 38-year-old gentleman is shown before and 1 year after a corrective hair transplant where his previous transplant performed elsewhere left him with poor density and chronic nerve pain that took years to diminish. He gives his testimonial about his results with us compared to his prior experience.
Case #30301
Male Hair Restoration, Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE, Ethnic Hair Restoration, Hispanic Hair Transplant
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This 41-year-old Hispanic gentleman is shown before and 7 months after an FUE hair transplant to correct two prior FUT hair transplants performed elsewhere. His first two hair transplants resulted in an unnatural result where the grafts were placed too vertical as well as showing very poor visual density. The FUE hair transplant was performed from the hairline back to his posterior midscalp.
Case #27455
Male Hair Restoration, Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Ethnic Hair Restoration, Hispanic Hair Transplant
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This 68-year-old Peruvian man had multiple hair transplants and scalp reductions without significant improvement elsewhere. He is shown 11 months after a single corrective hair transplant procedure from his frontal hairline to his crown using limited donor hair that remained to perform the procedure.
Case #23262
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE, Indian Hair Restoration
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This Indian patient underwent a revision hair transplant using scalp and beard FUE to correct a poor hair transplant that he received in India. He is shown 10 months after a single corrective procedure.
Case #20571
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Hispanic Hair Transplant
Patient age 40, Stage 3, One session, 1 year after hair transplant (Corrective Surgery: The first transplant done elsewhere grew only a scattered few hairs along the hairline with grafts that were clumped, misdirected, and pitted. The patient is shown with a natural appearing, full hairline with hair that extends to fill the entire midscalp after our correction.)
Case #20213
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Middle Eastern Hair Transplant
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This Middle-Eastern male had hair transplant principally to the front and additionally had grafts placed to make the crown partially covered.
Case #20438
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, African Hair Transplant
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Age 31, Stage 2, One session, 1 year after hair transplant (Corrected Previous Work Done Elsewhere: Lack of Density)
Case #20523
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Indian Hair Restoration
This 26 year old Indian male had a hair transplant at 20 years of age, which was too young to have had a transplant performed. In addition, it was poorly done with almost no discernible result. He is shown 9 months after a single hair transplant session correction with a very favorable result.
Case #30288
Male Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE, Ethnic Hair Restoration
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This 40-year-old man is shown before and 7 months after correction of his prior hair transplant scar with the FUE technique.
Case #27744
Asian Hair Transplant, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE
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This 34-year-old Asian male was born with a birthmark that was removed from his left occipital scalp when he was a child. It left him with a visible scar and he underwent a scar revision using FUE hair transplant into the scar. He is shown before and five months after the scar revision using FUE hair transplantation methodology.
#fuetransplant #fuescar #hairtransplantscar #hairscarremoval
Case #22706
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE
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This gentleman had multiple strip scars and an unnatural result from previous hair transplant results performed elsewhere. The strip scars and the entire scalp were corrected using only beard FUE hairs.
Case #22722
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE
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This is a man who could not be seen in public because of his unnatural plugs and he was told that there was no hope and that nothing could be done for him. We harvested a small strip from the back of the head and did a lot of the work with beard FUE hairs and fixed his U-shaped plugs and also his slot deformity in the crown. We also built a conservative temple to balance his hairline. He is now thrilled and can be seen in public without fear anymore.
Case #27868
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This 72-year-old man had old “plugs” performed in the early 1970s. He is shown before and 6 months after a single session corrective hair transplant procedure.
#plugcorrection #hairtransplants #correctivehairtransplantsurgery
Case #27054
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This gentleman had five prior failed hair transplants and he is shown after one corrective hair transplant only 5 months after the procedure.
Case #24876
Male Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Ethnic Hair Restoration, Indian Hair Restoration
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This 44-year-old Indian gentleman had two prior failed hair transplants and is shown five months after a single hair transplant procedure with us to fill his hairline, central forelock, and posterior midscalp
Case #32908
Eyebrow Hair Restoration, Scar Repair, Male Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
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This 56-year old gentleman is shown before and ten months after eyebrow hair transplant. He had a car accident that resulted in a facial scar as well as eyebrow hair loss.
Case #22002
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
38 year old male who had a hairline revision after having a hair transplant done elsewhere. He did not have much growth from his previous procedure. He is shown one year following a hairline revision using FUE.
Case #22542
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This gentleman had a 3,000+ graft megasession to correct an unnatural and unattractive previous hair transplant result.
Case #20196
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This gentleman is shown before and after plug correction now with a more natural result following his hair transplant.
Case #20280
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
Patient age 44, Stage 2, One session, 10 months after hair transplant.
Case #20291
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
Patient age 37, Stage 3, One session, 7 months after hair transplant Kinky Pubic Hair, Poor Density, Bad Angle, Patient age 37 Corrective Procedure – This individual underwent a previous hair restoration session elsewhere and was unhappy with his result. His before photograph shows an unnatural hairline, poor hair density and unnatural hair angle and quality, which we corrected as shown in the after photograph.
Case #20294
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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Patient age 42, Stage 4, One session, 1 year after hair transplant
Case #20311
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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Corrective hair transplant to fix compressed grafts, grafts that are too large for the hairline, hairline that is too straight, poorly angled grafts that are too vertical, lack of visual hair density, and poor balance with the temple hair.
Case #20341
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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Patient age 40, Stage 4, One session, 6 months after hair transplant
Case #20352
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
Patient age 40, Stage 4, One session, 1 year after (Corrective Procedure) This individual underwent a previous hair restoration session elsewhere and was unhappy with his result. His before photograph shows an unnatural hairline and unnatural hair angle, which we corrected as shown in the after photograph.
Case #20364
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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Patient age 46, Stage 3, One session, 6 months after hair transplant – Corrective Procedure – The patient had 4 prior hair transplants elsewhere leaving him with unsightly grafts that were poorly angled too perpendicular, improper graft sizes placed too large along the hairline, and grafts that were roughly handled leading to kinky growth as well as moderate see-through effect. He is shown after a single correction of his prior transplant in the hairline, central forelock, vertex transition point and upper crown/vertex.
Case #27823
Eyebrow Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
This gentleman had natural thinning of his right eyebrow as well as significant hair loss in his left eyebrow due to prior basal cell cancer that was reconstructed with a forehead skin flap. He had a failed prior eyebrow hair transplant done elsewhere with poor growth and misangled grafts that required punch removal of prior grafts before undertaking a revision procedure. He is shown before and nine months after a single eyebrow hair transplant procedure to reconstruct both eyebrows.
#eyebrowhairtransplant #eyebrowreconstruction #eyebrowhairloss #dallaseyebrows
Case #20418
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
Patient age 32, Stage 4, One session, 1 year after hair transplant. Patient had prior hair transplant elsewhere that was not only painful with a bad recovery but also had no significant visual density. He is shown following a single corrective hair transplant session.
Case #23562
Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This patient who came in from another country was kind enough to send these photos to use. He had two prior surgeries elsewhere and had limited donor hair. His hairline, midscalp, parting area, and crown hair transplant using a combination of scalp and beard grafts in a single session. He is shown 8 months after his procedure.
Case #23717
Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE
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This gentleman underwent a second FUE beard and FUT scalp hair transplant (8 months prior) to correct a previous slot deformity in his crown and plugs in the front of his head. He also had the hairline balanced with a strong temporal point reconstruction so that he has a very natural result that looks youthful as well.
Case #20517
Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
Patient age 32, Stage 3, One session, 11 months after (Corrective Procedure) Patient had 5 previous hair transplants all of which were unnatural and also performed when he was too young in age. He also had two unnecessary scalp reductions as well. He underwent a single corrective procedure and is shown 11 months after with a more symmetric hairline, more natural and dense results than what he had before.
Case #27423
Eyebrow Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
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This patient underwent a prior eyebrow hair transplant that was patchy with poorly directed eyebrow hairs as well as cobblestoning and bumps. He underwent an eyebrow hair transplant correction and is shown approximately 10 years after his corrective eyebrow hair transplant with us.
Case #20612
Crown (Vertex) Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
This 49-year-old gentleman had 7 prior hair transplants and 5 scalp reductions performed elsewhere. He is shown 6 months following one Stage 2 hair transplant with us.
Case #20682
Eyebrow Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration, Eyebrow Hair Transplant
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This gentleman suffered eyebrow hair loss that he tried to correct with tattooing which made it worse. He is shown before and after eyebrow hair transplant.
Case #26967
Face, Corrective Hair Restoration, FUE
This 33-year-old male had hair loss from prior liposuction and is shown 11 months after a beard-to-beard FUE hair transplant to fix the area.
Case #27055
Corrective Hair Restoration
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This patient had multiple hair transplants from a very distinguished surgeon. If you look carefully at the hairline you can see that the hairline is designed with very large grafts that are too vertical in orientation. In a single session after five months he is shown with a much softer, more natural hairline, improved central density as well as crown hair restoration that looks significantly better than before. In a single session he has achieved what it took him three sessions to achieve before with a more natural result and much faster growth because some of the regenerative medicine techniques used.
Case #25989
Male Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
This gentleman is shown before and after hair transplant for a scarring hair loss condition, lichen planopilaris. In general, lichen planopilaris can have poor results or reactivate but given the long period of non-activity of 8 years the likelihood is less. He is shown after a single hair transplant only 5 months.
Case #23159
Male Hair Restoration, Corrective Hair Restoration
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This is a Filipino gentleman who underwent bad hair transplants leaving him with poor visual density, an unnatural vertical picket fence appearance to his hairline, grafts that are too large in the hairline, and too straight a hairline (best seen from the frontal view) and is shown after corrective hair transplant with us.