Corrective Hair Restoration: Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Plano, TX.

Fortunately, the era of plug grafting is gone. Unfortunately, many hair-restoration surgeons still create very unnatural looking results. There are many reasons for this outcome. First, the surgeon may not have a clearly artistic vision of what a natural appearing hairline should be or how to position that hairline on a prospective patient’s scalp relative to the shape of the head, amount of hair loss, and other factors. Second, the surgeon who undertakes hair restoration may not understand how natural hair should grow on the head, which is very different for the central hairline, lateral hairline, temporal point, fronto-temporal angle, lateral hump, midscalp, vertex transition point, crown, etc. An in-depth understanding of how hair grows and is lost is a prerequisite to a natural hair restoration result. Finally, the quality of the hair restoration team may be lacking. Without a high level of expertise with the hair transplant team, the result can fall far short of the desired aesthetic mark. The hair-transplant coordinator and the dissection team are responsible for the graft dissection and placement. If the grafts are poorly dissected, transected, placed incorrectly into the wrong sites or manipulated harshly, poor or scattered growth can occur or worse yet kinky, unnatural looking hair. At the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration, our team is not outsourced. Instead, our own, dedicated hair transplant team is on site full time for every case.

Case #90514

Case #84962

Case #84745

Case #70487

Case #69756

Case #70967

Case #68961

Case #36106

Case #30301

Case #27455

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Case #27423

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Case #20682

Case #26967

Case #27055

Case #25989

Case #23159


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