Hair Transplant Publications Dallas

Dr. Samuel Lam has contributed to many publications including 10 major medical textbooks, “Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation”, “Cosmetic Surgery of the Asian Face”, “Complementary Fat Grafting”, “Simplified Facial Rejuvenation”, “Hair Transplant 360”, “Hair Transplant 101” along with over 250 book chapters and scientific papers.

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Hair Transplant 360 Hair Transplant 360 Hair Transplant 360 Hair Transplant 360
FUE Book FUE Book Hair Transplant 101


“Male Facial Rejuvenation”, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, editors, Samuel M. Lam MD and Lisa Ishii MD, 2024.
Facial Plastic Surgery, Editorial Advisory Board Member
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, Editorial Board Member
Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, Asian edition, Guest Editor
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Considerations in Non-Caucasian Facial Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor
The Face Book, American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Chief Editor/Task-Force Head.
Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
Facial Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Volume 18, Number 4, Guest Editor
Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, Perspectives Section, Assistant Editor

REVIEWER (Journals & Books)

Aesthetic Surgery Journal
Facial Plastic Surgery
Dermatologic Surgery
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Oriental Blepharoplasty, Choladhis Sinrachtanant MD, Elsevier, 2013
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Expert Review of Medical Devices
Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, Formerly JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery

Oral Presentations


“Fat Grafting”, Update in Facial Plastic Surgery, Cho Ray Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 6, 2024 (Prerecorded Video).


“Crown Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam MD, ISHRS Webinar, “All You Want to Know about Male Hair Restoration”, March 1, 2023.



Hair Transplant 101, Samuel M. Lam MD, Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis, MO, 2023.
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 4, Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) (2nd Ed.), Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Kenneth L. Williams Jr D.O., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2022
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 1 for Physicians (2nd Edition), Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2016
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 4, Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Kenneth L. Williams Jr D.O., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2016
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 2, for Assistants, Emina Karamaovski Vance, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2016
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 3, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2013
Hair Transplant 360, Volume 1 and 2, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S. Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., Delhi, India, 2011.,
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Considerations in Non-Caucasian Facial Plastic Surgery, Editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
Complementary Fat Grafting, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (ISBN: 0781764246) (translated into Korean)
Cosmetic Surgery of the Asian Face, 2nd Edition, John A. McCurdy, Jr., M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York, New York (ISBN: 1588902188/313747602x) (translated into Korean)
Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation: A Practical and Systematic Guide to Surgical Management of the Aging Face, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (ISBN: 0-7817-5093-8) (translated into Spanish and translated into Portuguese)


Preface for A Comprehensive Guide to Orthofacial Surgery, Maurice Y. Mommaerts, Orthoface R & D GCV, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium, 2013.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“Creative Strategies for the Crown”, Samuel M. Lam MD, Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery Journal, 2025.
“Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Immediate, Profound Restoration of Sensation and Reduction in Pain in the Occipital Region following Hair Surgery”, Samuel M. Lam MD, Forum International of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery 2025.
“Male Facial Rejuvenation”, Preface, Samuel M. Lam MD, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, editors, Samuel M. Lam MD and Lisa Ishii MD, 2024.
“FUE Basics”, Facial Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor, Steven Gabel MD, Issue FUE.
“Acellular Porcine Urinary Bladder Matrix Causing Multiple Retinal Emboli in Case Report for Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam MD FISHRS, Hair Transplant Forum International, Hair Transplant Forum International, Volume 33, Number 3, May/June 2023, page 101.
“Botulinum Toxin Therapy for Acute and Chronic Pain in Hair Transplant Surgery”, Samuel MD, FACS, FISHRS, Hair Transplant Forum International, Volume 10, Number 2, March/April 2020, pages 50-51.
“The Best Business Moves You Can Use to Enhance Your Practice” Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS, in “Day to Day Challenges in Facial Plastic Surgery”, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, ed. William H. Trus
“Hair Loss & Hair Restoration in Women”, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, eds. Linda Lee, Lisa Ishii.
“Fat Grafting for Facial Contouring”, Samuel M. Lam, MD, F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery, Anything but the Knife: Non-Surgical Facial Plastic Surgery, eds. David Hom, Debbie Watson.
“The Potential of Autologous Fat Transfer as a Valuable Tool for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Purposes: Acknowledged Risks, Limitations, and Benefits. Samuel M. Lam, MD, F.A.C.S., JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2018; 20 (5):360-361.
“A Cautious but Optomistic Opinion of Submental Cryolipolysis, A Commentary on ‘Safety and efficacy of bilateral submental cryolipolysis with quantified three-dimensional imaging of fat reduction and skin tightening’”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2018; 20 (5): 360.
“Impact of Surgical Technique and Nuance vs. Choice of Scar Shape, A Commentary on ‘Perceptions of Aesthetic outcome of Linear Versus Multi Z-Plasty Scars: Results of a Virtual Comparative National Survey Study’”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery. 2016; 18:267-8.
“Surgical Pearl: Periorbital and Midfacial Volume Enhancement with Cannula”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2015.
“Analysis of Facial Aesthetics as Applied to Injectables”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Robert Glasgold M.D., Mark Glasgold M.D., Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Neuromodulators and Fillers Supplement, 2015;136(55):11S-21S.
“Commentary on Impact of Facial Rejuvenation Surgery on Perceived Attractiveness, Femininity, and Personality”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2015;17(3):208.
“Volumetric Rejuvenation: General Concepts, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery 2015;31:15-21.
“Integrating Injectable Fillers and Fat in Facial Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery 2015;31:35-42.
“Hair Transplant”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Nassimul Huq, M.D., editor.
“Fat Grafting, Fillers, Facelifting: Understanding The Role of Fat Grafting within the Surgical and Non-Surgical Spectrum”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor, Theda Contis, M.D., 2013.
“Fat Grafting for the Management of Soft-Tissue Trauma: The Do’s and the Don’ts”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery, Contemporary Management of Soft-Tissue Trauma, Guest Editor, Edmund Pribitkin, M.D., 2010.
“A New Paradigm for the Aging Face”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Considerations in Non-Caucasian Facial Plastic Surgery, 2010.
“Hair Restoration in the Ethnic Patient and Review of Hair Transplant Fundamentals”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Considerations in Non-Caucasian Facial Plastic Surgery, 2010.
“Management of the Asian Upper Eyelid”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Amir M. Karam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Considerations in Non-Caucasian Facial Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., 2010.
“Management of the Asian Upper Eyelid”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Amir M. Karam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Periocular Rejuvenation, Guest Editor, Edward Farrior, M.D., 2010.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Amir M. Karam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery, Blepharoplasty and Browlift, Guest Editor, Gregory Keller, M.D., 2010.
“How to Create High-Performing Teams”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery, Business Aspects of Facial Plastic Surgery, Guest Editor, Edwin F. Williams III, M.D., 2010.
“Short-Scar Purse-String Facelift”, Amir M. Karam, MD; L. Mike Nayak, MD; Samuel M. Lam, MD, Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 2009, Volume 17.
“Correction of Pollybeak and Dimpling Deformities of the Nasal Tip in the Contracted, Short Nose by the Use of a Supratip Transposition Flap”, Dong-Hak Jung, M.D., Ray Yung-Chiou Lin, M.D., Hyeong-Jun Jang, M.D., Henry John Claravall, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2009; 11:311-319.
“Asian Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Seminars in Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery in the Ethnic Populations: Special Considerations and Procedures 2009; 23:215-222.
“Complications following Fat Transfer”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., , Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, Complications in Cosmetic Facial Surgery 2009; 21:53-8.
“Facial Fat Grafting: The New Paradigm”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2008, 10:417-418.
“Revision Rhinoplasty for the Asian Nose”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Facial Plastic Surgery 2008; 24:372-7.
“Volume Restoration and Facial Aesthetics”, Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 2008; 16:435-42.
“Limitations, Complications, and Long-Term Sequelae of Fat Transfer”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 2008;16:391-9.
“Autologous Fat Grafting for Cosmetic Enhancement of the Perioral Region”, Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 2007; 15:461-70..
“Surgical Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 2007; 18:195-202.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 2007; 18:267-272.
“Aesthetic Strategies for the Aging Asian Face”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 2007;15:283-91.
“Injectable Poly-L-Lactic Acid (Sculptra): Technical Considerations in Soft-Tissue Contouring”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Babak Azizzadeh, M.D., Miles G. Graivier, M.D., Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 118:55S-63S.
“Aesthetic Facial Surgery for the Asian Male”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2005, 21:317-23.
“Practical Considerations in the Treatment of Capillary Vascular Malformations, or Port-Wine Stains”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2004; 20:71-6.
“Secondary Rhinoplasty of the Asian Nose: Correction of the Contracted Nose”, Dong-Hak Jung, M.D., Hyoung-Jin Moon, M.D., Seung-Ho Choi, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Annals of Plastic Surgery 2004; 28:1-7.
“Opciones Terapéuticas Médicas Para Lad Caida del Cabello (Medical Therapeutic Options for Management of Hair Loss)”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Brian R. Hempstead, M.T. (A.S.C.P.), Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (Spanish Edition) 2004; 5:123-127.
“Julien Bourguet: Father of Cervical Rhytidectomy”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2004; 6:137.
“Edward Talbot Ely: Father of Aesthetic Otoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2004; 6:64.
“A Cadaveric Analysis of the Ideal Costal-Cartilage Graft for Asian Rhinoplasty”, Dong-Hak Jung, M.D., Seung-Ho Choi, M.D., Hyoung-Jin Moon, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2004; 114:545-50.
“Rejuvenation of the Periocular Region: The Unified Brow, Midface, and Eyelid Complex”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edward W. Chang, M.D., John S. Rhee, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2004; 20:1-9.
“A Psychological Profile of Children and Their Family Afflicted with Hemangiomas”, Edwin F. Williams III, M.D., Marcelo Hochman, M.D., Bret J. Rodgers, M.D., David Brockbank, B.A., Linda Shannon, M.S., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:229-234.
“Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach: The Many-Sided Odysseus”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:276-77.
“Management of an Arteriovenous Malformation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Ravinder Dahiya, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:334-7.
“A Systematic Approach to Rhinoplasty in the Japanese Nose: A Thirty-Year’s Experience”, Yukio Shirakabe, M.D., Yoshiro Suzuki, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2003;27:221-231.
“A New Paradigm for the Aging Asian Face”, Yukio Shirakabe, M.D., Yoshiro Suzuki, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2003; 27:397-402.
“Liposuction and Lipotransfer for Facial Rejuvenation in the Asian Patient”, Tetsuo Shu, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2003;5:165-173.
“The Partial-Incision Technique for Creation of the Double Eyelid”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Young-Kyoon Kim, M.D., Aesthetic Surgery 2003; 23:170-176.
“Augmentation Rhinoplasty of the Asian Nose with the ‘Bird’ Silicone Implant”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Young-Kyoon Kim, M.D., Annals of Plastic Surgery 2003;51:249-56.
“Midfacial Rejuvenation Via an Endoscopic-Browlift Approach: A Review of Technique”, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 19:147-56.
“A Systematic Histologic Analysis of the Pulsed-Dye Laser in Non-Ablative Therapy in a Porcine Model”, Ravi Dahiya, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003;5:218-223 (Winner of the John Orlando Roe Award).
“Midfacial Rejuvenation via an Minimal-Incision Browlift Approach: A Critical Evaluation of a Five-Year Experience”, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D.,
Hannah Vargas, M.D., Ravinder Dahiya, M.D., Christopher R. Hove, M.D., Bret J. Rodgers, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of
Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:470-8.
“Philosophy & Strategy for Surgical Hair Restoration: A Ten-Year Experience”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Brian R. Hempstead, M.T. (A.S.C.P.), Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Dermatologic Surgery 2002; 28:1035-42.
“Scalp Reduction Revisited: A Ten-Year Experience”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2002; 4:279-284.
“Mikamo’s Double-Eyelid Blepharoplasty & the Westernization of Japan”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:201-2.
“Anatomic Considerations in Aesthetic Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 18:209-214.
“Computer-Aided Image-Guided Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Unusual Sphenoid Disease”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Clark Huang, M.D., Jason Newman, M.D., Vijay K. Anand, M.D., Rhinology 2002; 40:179-84.
“Management of the Post-Peel & -Laser Resurfaced Patient: A Ten-Year Experience”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Susan E. Sullivan, R.N., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2002; 4:187-197.
“A Systematic, Graduated Approach to Rhinoplasty”, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 18:215-222.
“Bilateral Submandibular Gland Infection Presenting as Ludwig’s Angina: First Report of a Case”, Carlo P. Honrado, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Matthew Karen, M.D., ENT Journal 2001; 80:217-223.
“Sliding Genioplasty for Correction of Chin Abnormalities”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., D.D.S., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Matthew Karen, M.D., Jeffrey L. Donlevy, D.D.S., M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2001; 3:8-15.
“Transtympanic Penetrating Injury to the Internal Auditory Canal”, Thomas G. Takoudes, M.D., Samuel H. Selesnick M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2001; 110:696-698.
“John Orlando Roe: Father of Aesthetic Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:122-123.
“Vascular Anomalies: Review & Current Therapy”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams III, M.D. the Facial Plastic Surgery Section of Current Opinion in Otolaryngology 2002;10:309-315.
“Combined Resurfacing Modalities: A Systematic Approach”, Edwin F. Williams III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2002;4:81-88.
“Tissue Response to Expanded Polytetraflouroethylene and Silicone Implants in a Rabbit Model”, Rami K. Batiniji M.D., Joseph L. Hutchinson, M.D., Ravi Dahiya, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams III, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:111-113.
“Cranioplasty in Acoustic Neuroma Surgery”, Jack Wazen, M.D., Michael Sisti, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Laryngoscope 2000; 110:1294-1297.
1999 & 2000
“Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha & Rhinitis”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Defen Zhu, M.D., Jeffrey M. Ahn, M.D., Laryngoscope 1999; 109:1119-1124 and reprinted in “Rhinology and Allergic Disorders”, Section Five, Home Study Course in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Foundation, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 225-230, September/October 2000.
The Effect of Hemodialysis on Hearing Using Pure-Tone Audiometry and Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions”, Orhan Ozturan, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Related Specialties 1998; 60:306-313.

Non Peer-Reviewed Articles

“Don’t Settle”, Samuel M. Lam MD, International Choral Magazine, July 2022, Vol. XLI.
“My Personal Thoughts on the Role of Linear-Strip Harvesting in Today’s World, Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS, FISHRS, O Foliculo (The Follicle), Brazilian Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
“Three Tech Trends”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., OFPSA Magazine, 2012.
“A New Aesthetic Paradigm”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Dermascope, January 2007.
“Lip Service: Natural Lip Enhancement”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa Canada
“Looking at the Extreme Makeover Phenomenon”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa Canada December 2005.
“Volume, Volume, Volume”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa Canada November 2005.
“Combination Graft Approach for Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., ENT World Bulletin, 2005 No.2, pages 9-10.
“Threadlifting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Times, July 2005
“Facial Implants: Fat or Solid Implants?”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Plastic Surgery Products, September 2005
“Threadlift: No-Incision Facelift”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Southern Vanity, April/May 2005, page 48.
“Towards A Global Beauty: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2004; 6:216.
“Restylane: A New Filler for Cosmetic Use”, Medical Spa, September/October 2004; 6-7.
“Cosmetic Surgery for Men: A Focus on Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Emina Karamanovski, Medical Spa, May/June 2004.
“Asian Cosmetic Surgery”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa, March/April 2004
“Radiance: A New Soft-Tissue Filler”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa, January/February 2004.
“KTP Laser Therapy”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa March/April 2004.
“Skin Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Canada, January 2004.
“Lower Facial Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Canada, December 2003.
“Eyelid Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Canada, November 2003.
“Brow Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Canada, October 2003.
“Brow Rejuvenation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa, September/October 2003.
“La Rejeunissement du Front”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Quebec, November/December 2003
“Facial Plastic Surgery: A New Revolution”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Canada, September/October 2003; 41.
“Facial Plastic Surgery: A New Revolution”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa, September/October 2003; 16.
“La Chirurgie Esthétique du Visage, Une Nouvelle Révolution”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spa Québec, Fall 2003; 2:30-31.
“Comparing Beauty: Beauty Across Cultural Divides”, Samuel M. Lam M.D., Asian Beat, 2003.
“Botulinum Toxin (Botox) in the Medical Spa”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa, November/December 2003.
“The Latest Enhancement Techniques for the Asian Face”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Dallas Medical Journal, June 2003; 238-241.
“Living Fancy: Mackintosh and his World”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003;5:132-133.
“Egon Schiele: Expressive Sensuality”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:212-213.
”Plastic Surgery & the Medi-Spa”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Medical Spa Journal, October 2002, 10-13.
“Endoscopic Brow Approach Reduces Complications”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Cosmetic Surgery Times 2002; 5:11.
“Digital Imaging in the Plastic Surgery Practice”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2002; 4:201-214.
“Simplicity is Complexity Itself”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:132-133.
“Women, Light & Solitude”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:208-209.
“Sandro Botticelli: Primavera, Myth & Beauty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 4:288-289.
“Digital Corner”, 8 articles (“Digital Photography”, “Digital vs. 35-mm
Photography, Part 1”, “Digital vs. 35-mm Photography, Part 2”, “Scanners”, “Software”, “Hardware”, “Printers”, and “Projectors”), Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Times, September, October, November, December 2001, January, March, April, June, July 2002.

Book Chapters

“Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam MD. In: Essential Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Volume 2: Rhinoplasty, Cosmetic Surgery, Gender Affirmation and Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, eds., Lee YH, Papel ID. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2024.
“Facial Implants and Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam MD, Daniel Lee MD, Philip J. Miller MD, Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 8th edition, Elsevier, 2024.
Surgical Hair Restorationm, Samuel M. Lam MD. Mohammad Reza Namazi, ed. In: Practical Pearls for Your Skin Clinic: Medical, Procedural, Publication, and Business Pearls in Dermatology. Bentham Science Publisher, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2024.
“Linear-Strip Excision in Hair Restoration Surgery”, Samuel M. Lam MD, In: Office-Based Facial Cosmetic Surgery, eds., Behnam Bohluli MD, Jeffrey James DDS, MD, Shohreh Ghasemi DDS, Ryan Diepenbrock DDS, Susan Obagi MD. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023.
“Microbotulinum Toxin Therapy”, Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS, Cosmetic Facial Surgery (3rd Ed.), Joe Niamtu, ed., Mosby, 2022
Hair Restoration, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Paparella Textbook in Otolaryngology, Peter Hilger, ed., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India
Liposculpture-Managing Complications, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., In: Avoiding and Managing Complications in Oculoplastic Surgery, Hartstein, Burkat, Holds, eds., Springer, 2019.
“Setting Up Your Office and Practice: Exclusively Hair Transplants vs. Combined Practice”, Samuel M. Lam, Hair Transplantation, 6th Edition, CRC Press.
“Fat Transfer”, Amir M. Karam, Samuel M. Lam, Rejuvenation of the Aging Face, JP Medical Publishers, London, 2015.
“Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Paparella Textbook in Otolaryngology, Peter Hilger, ed., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India.
“Liposuction and Lipotransfer for Facial Rejuvenation in the Asian Patient”, Tetsuo Shu, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S. , Liposuction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2016.
“Revision Rhinoplasty for the East Asian Nose”, Samuel M. Lam, Rhinoplasty: The Experts’ Reference, Anthony P. Sclafani, ed., Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, 2015.
“Hair Transplant”, OMSKU, for the American Academy of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery, online publication at
“Management of the Asian Face”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the East Asian Face, Jin Hong-Ryul, M.D., editor, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2015.
“Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Master Techniques of Facial Rejuvenation (2nd Edition), Babak Azzizadeh, M.D., editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
“Artefill and the Midface”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Clinics of Facial Plastic Surgery, Edward Buckingham, M.D., editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
“Fat Grafting and Fillers”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Clinics of Facial Plastic Surgery, Edward Buckingham, M.D., editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
“Nuances with Fat Grafting in the Face in the Mixed Race Patient”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery, Roxana Cabo, MD, editor, Thieme Medical Publishers, 2015.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (4rd Edition), ed. Ira Papel, M.D., Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2014.
“Ethnic Nuances in Facial Plastic Surgery”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Sataloff’s Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Delhi, India, 2014.
“Lipocontouring”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Sataloff’s Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Delhi, India, 2014.
“Upper Blepharoplasty of the Asian Eyelid”, Samuel M. Lam, The Art and Craft of Facial Rejuvenation, Wayne F. Larrabee, Jr., Holger G. Gassner, William E. Walsh, eds., People’s Medical Publishing House, Shelton, CT, 2013.
“Hair Restoration” Samuel M. Lam, Cosmetic Surgery: Art and Techniques, Springer-Verlag, eds. Melvin Shiffman and Alberto Di Giuseppe, New York, NY, 2013.
“Short-Scar Purse-String Facelift”, Amir Karam, L. Mike Nayak, Samuel M. Lam, Cosmetic Surgery: Art and Techniques, Springer-Verlag, eds. Melvin Shiffman and Alberto Di Giuseppe, New York, NY, 2013.
“Balanced Otoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, MD, Advanced Cosmetic Otoplasty: Art, Science, and New Clinical Techniques, Melvin Shiffman, ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2013.
“Managing Complications in Hair Restoration”, Melvin Shiffman, MD, Richard Shiell, MD, Samuel M. Lam, MD, Hair Transplant 360, Volume 3, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, India, 2013.
“Expanding a Cosmetic Practice to include Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, MD, Hair Transplant 360, Volume 3, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, India, 2013.
“Micro-Punch Instruments for Recipient Site Creation”, Samuel M. Lam, MD, Hair Transplant 360, Volume 3, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, India, 2013.
“Pictorial Documentation: Traditional Photography and Digital Imaging”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Amir Karam, M.D., Bailey/Johnson ed., Head & Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, Fifth Edition, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2012.
“Fat Grafting: A Volumetric Approach to Midfacial Rejuvenation”, Amir M. Karam, Robert A. Glasgold, Mark J. Glasgold, Samuel M. Lam, Midfacial Rejuvenation, Morris E. Hartstein, Allan E. Wulc, David E.E. Holck, eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2012.
“Modern Advances in Asian Blepharoplasty”, Kimberly Lee, M.D., Amir Karam M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation, eds., Massry, Azizzadeh, Murphy, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2011.
“Upper Lid Blepharoplasty”, Amir M. Karam, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, Mel Shiffman, ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2010.
“Lower Lid Blepharoplasty”, Amir M. Karam, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, Mel Shiffman, ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2010.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Amir M. Karam, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Surgical Facial Rejuvenation, Mel Shiffman, ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2010.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (3rd Edition), ed. Ira Papel, M.D., Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2009.
“New Paradigm for the Aging Face”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Textbook of the Aging Skin, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY 2009.
“Asian Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction, eds., Azzizadeh et al., Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
“Fat Transfer in the Asian”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Autologous Fat Transfer: Art, Science, and Practice, Mel Shiffman, M.D., J.D., ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2009.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D.; Mark J. Glasgold, M.D.; Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Autologous Fat Transfer: Art, Science, and Practice, Mel Shiffman, M.D., J.D., ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2009.
“Botulinum Toxin”, The Face Book, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 2009.
“Aesthetic Rejuvenation for Asian Patients”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Aesthetic Rejuvenation in Clinical Practice, Paul Carniol, Gary Monheit, eds., Informa HealthCare, Essex, UK, 2009.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Head & Neck Surgery, Volume 1, Fred Stucker, M.D., ed., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., St. Louis, MO 2009..
“Asian Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edward W. Chang, M.D., Head & Neck Surgery, Volume 1, Fred Stucker, M.D., ed., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Ltd., St. Louis, MO, 2009.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Surgical Facial Rejuvenation: A Roadmap to Safe and Reliable Outcomes, ed. William H. Truswell, M.D., Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2009.
“Treatment of Hand Atrophy with Fat Transplantation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Body Rejuvenation, ed. Murad Alam, M.D.,Taylor & Francis, 2008.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Mesotherapy”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Gustavo Leibaschoff, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Botulinum Toxin Type A for Cosmetic Periocular Enhancement: General Principles”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Botulinum Toxin Type: General Principles of Treatment”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Evaluating Potential Botox Patients”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Orbicularis Oculi Treatment with Botox”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Glabella Treatment with Botox”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Frontalis Treatment with Botox”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Periocular Fillers: Hyaluronic Acid and Calcium Hydroxylapatite”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Introduction to Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Periocular Suture Lifting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Ophthalmic Surgery, Spring-Verlag, New York, NY.
“Implants and Fillers”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., F.A.C.S., Handbook of Otolaryngology, eds., David Goldenberg, M.D., Bradley Goldstein, M.D., Ph.D., Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery, Blepharoplasty, J. Regan Thomas, M.D., series editor, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
Follicular Unit and Multiple Follicular Unit Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Atlas of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Patrick Byrne, M.D., ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Atlas of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Patrick Byrne, M.D., ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
“Chemical Peeling of the Neck and Chest”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Ross A. Clevens, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Plasma Skin Resurfacing”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Thomas L. Tzikas, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Combined Techniques for Ablative Skin Resurfacing: Phenol, Trichloroacetic Acid, and Mechanical Dermabrasion”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Thomas L. Tzikas, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Decision Making between Fat Grafting and Solid Implants”, Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Solid Implants”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Alvin I. Glasgold, M.D. Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Aesthetic Principles for Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Follicular Unit and Multiple Follicular Unit Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“APTOS Suture Lifting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Lipocontouring of the Periocular Region: A Complementary Approach”, Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Spiros Manolidis, Orbital Anatomy and Surgery, Plural Publishing, San Diego, California, 2006
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Young-Kyoon Kim, M.D., Spiros Manolidis, Orbital Anatomy and Surgery, Plural Publishing, San Diego, California, 2006
“Complementary Fat Grafting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Mark J. Glasgold, M.D., Robert A. Glasgold, M.D., Master Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation, Azizzadeh et al, ed., Elsevier, 2006.
“Asian Blepharoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Yoon-Kyoon Kim, M.D., Master Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation, Azizzadeh et al, ed., Elsevier, 2006.
“Pictorial Documentation: Traditional Photography and Digital Imaging”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Bailey/Johnson ed., Head & Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, Fourth Edition, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 2006.
“The Basic Science of Botulinum Toxin”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Steven Dayan, M.D., ed., 2003; 11:431-438.
“Chemical Peeling: TCA”, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, ed., Dean M. Toriumi, Lippincott, Willliams, & Wilkins (in press).
“Mandible Fractures, General Principles and Occlusion”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edward Farrior, M.D.,
“Nose Anatomy”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., Chau Nguyen, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D.,
“Genioplasty”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edward Farrior, M.D.,
“Cleft-Lip Nasal Deformity”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D. & Maurice M. Khosh, M.D., (updated 2009).
“Rhinoplasty, Premaxillary Augmentation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D. & Jeffrey M. Ahn, M.D., (updated 2009).

Medical Illustrations

“Follicular Unit and Multiple Follicular Unit Hair Restoration”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Emina Karamanovski, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
“Pictorial Documentation: Traditional Photography and Digital Imaging”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Bailey/Johnson ed., Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Fourth Edition, 2006.
“APTOS Suture Lifting”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Simplified Facial Rejuvenation, Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., Sid J Mirrafati, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Editors, Chelso G. Cueteaux, M.D., Associate Editor, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2007.
Complementary Fat Grafting, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins (all illustrations)
Cosmetic Surgery of the Asian Face, 2nd edition, John A. McCurdy, Jr. M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Thieme Medical Publishers (all illustrations).
Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Lipincott, Williams, & Wilkins (all illustrations).
“Forehead Rejuvenation”, Steven J. Pearlman, M.D., H. Devon Graham, III, M.D., Head & Neck Surgery, Fred Stucker, M.D., ed.
“Midfacial Rejuvenation via an Minimal-Incision Browlift Approach: A Critical Evaluation of a Five-Year Experience”, Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D.,
Hannah Vargas, M.D., Ravinder Dahiya, M.D., Christopher R. Hove, M.D., Bret J. Rodgers, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of
Facial Plastic Surgery 2003; 5:470-8.
“A Philosophy & Strategy for Surgical Hair Restoration: A Ten-Year Experience”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Brian R. Hempstead, M.T. (A.S.C.P.), Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Dermatologic Surgery 2002; 28:1035-42.
“Scalp Reduction Revisited: A Ten-Year Experience”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology 2002; 4:279-284.
“Practical Considerations in the Treatment of Capillary Vascular Malformations, or Port-Wine Stains”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2004; 20:71-6.
“Mikamo’s Double-Eyelid Blepharoplasty & the Westernization of Japan”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 2002; 4:201-2.
“Anatomic Considerations in Aesthetic Rhinoplasty”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edwin F. Williams, III, M.D., Facial Plastic Surgery 2002; 18:209-214.
“Bilateral Submandibular Gland Infection Presenting as Ludwig’s Angina: First Report of a Case”, Carlo P. Honrado, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Matthew Karen, M.D., ENT Journal 2001; 80:217-223.
“Sliding Genioplasty for Correction of Chin Abnormalities”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., D.D.S., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Matthew Karen, M.D., Jeffrey L. Donlevy, D.D.S., M.D., Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2001; 3:8-15.
“Transtympanic Penetrating Injury to the Internal Auditory Canal”, Thomas G. Takoudes, M.D., Samuel H. Selesnick M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2001; 110:696-698.
“Genioplasty”, Edward W. Chang, M.D., Samuel M. Lam, M.D., Edward Farrior, M.D.,
“Cleft-Lip Nasal Deformity”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D. & Maurice M. Khosh, M.D., (updated 2005, 2007)
“Rhinoplasty, Premaxillary Augmentation”, Samuel M. Lam, M.D. & Jeffrey M. Ahn, M.D., (updated 2005, 2007)


“Dueling Turtles”, Miami Herald, Sunday, July 1, 2001, Section 4J.


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