Non-Surgical Therapies for Hair Loss
Effective Non-Surgical Solutions for Managing Hair Loss
Hair loss can be managed with both surgical therapies and also a diverse number of non-surgical therapies. An easy way to think of it is if you are unstable with hair shedding or rapid hair loss, then medical therapy is the way to manage the situation and not surgery. Further, medical therapy, that is non-surgical therapies, can help with stabilizing hair loss and to thicken thinner hairs known as vellus or miniaturized hairs.
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Understanding Androgenetic Alopecia
The process of hair loss in cases of genetic hair loss whether for a man or woman is known in general as androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The process of AGA involves hairs gradually being converted from thick hairs known as terminal hairs into thinner hairs known as miniaturized hairs that become fully miniaturized known as vellus hairs that eventually go completely away and leave areas of baldness. As seen in the following diagram even in cases of total baldness, there is still a hair follicle under the skin surface but it is not visible and at this point will most likely not return despite medical therapy. The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main cause for ongoing genetic AGA hair loss, and medical therapy can be very effective in reversing these vellus hairs (at least partially if not significantly) back to terminal hairs and to slow down the process of hair loss from thick terminal hairs to thinner vellus hairs. But when full baldness is present, then surgery is the only real method of improving the situation.
Medical Treatments for Hair Loss

Illustrations from Dr. Lam’s new textbook: Lam SM, Hair Transplant 101. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis, MO, 2023
If he determines that a natural, non-biochemical method is preferred for you, then his main therapy will usually typically be Hair Stem therapy that is a painless, all natural, plant-based therapy that has now replaced platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections in his practice. He also uses Folliflo, a product he spent two years developing as a simple, effective solution, especially for acute or chronic hair shedding. He does not believe that exosomes are a reliable method to achieve results not to mention FDA-approval issues. He will use low level laser therapy and vitamin replacements like Nutrafol as needed based on his advice. These therapies are his second line of therapy in many cases. A personalized consultation will help you decide which method or methods he would use in your case.