Tell me about the hybrid punch
Temporal Point Design 3 days after surgery
Leadership & Innovation in Hair Surgery
Diversity and Complexity in Hair Transplant Surgery (What That Means)
Scalp + Beard FUE Comparison of Hair Transplant Experience with Prior FUE
Otoplasty Follow-up! 3 Months Put
About the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration
Did I work on Brad Pitt?
Safety First in Hair Transplant Surgery
Who’s doing your transplant?
New Year New You? A woman shows off her new hair!
What does Jimmy Carter teach us?
Hair transplant is not torture with us
We are not a factory and we don’t use robots (anymore)
Happy New Years from the Lams
Interfacing art and science in hair transplant surgery
We are not a chain
Boutique Hair Clinic: What does that mean?
New Series: What makes the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration Different?
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year from the Lam’s!
Hair Transplant or Not?
How do you design a crown for maximal impact?
Presidential Hair: What’s going on with Trump’s Hair?
Presidential Hair: What did Biden Do?
Hair curl follow up question
Natural crown patterns
Recipient Site Design for Female Hair Transplants
What is the importance of the hair curl?
What is the central forelock?
Hairline Series: The Profile Tilt