Scalp Visibility is Actually Very Important

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This podcast is talking about why scalp visibility is actually still very, very important for a natural result. Tell you about two cases that come to mind that I think about one is I had a colleague of mine I saw him at a conference and I was just shocked at how thick his hair looked. It looked so artificial in the closer. I got it. I realized he had just caked in the topic or or hair fibers the point where there was no scalp visible at all. Even those hairline looks slightly irregular in nature it still was way too dense and I could see the powder as I got close to figure out why did this shocked me as I walked up to him from 10 feet away. Now, you know, my standard is so much higher than most of my patients as I say and oftentimes you may look at him and not even know what that anything does look artificial, but it would it just I always look around and I just see things I blow my mind. And like I was you know watching Cobra Kai with my wife and I could just see this, you know, Ralph Macchio’s hair system the whole time. I was watching Creed with Sylvester Stallone. I could see his hair system not well done. And a lot of my, you know, patients may not even notice these things they may just think I was not a big deal, but I’ve a very high standard for this. And another example that I saw was a patient of mine who had an amazingly attractive result of FUE transplant Asian gentleman that had a lot of full density that didn’t have before but he said, Dr. Lam can just go back and add a few more graphs right here in the hairline. And I looked at that said absolutely not. That transition, you know, from one hairs to two hairs and gradually building toward full density over the first half a centimeter to a centimeter is what makes a hairline look natural and he had a full dense result. If you look at him you would not even see he’s balding because he doesn’t look balding anymore after the transplant, but in his mind he could still see that first small transition zone and he thought man, I just want to have more density there, and that’s just an absolute mistake because it’s a dead giveaway that something was done. That’s not correct. And so scalp visibility is something that we you know is in one way very bad because it’s a whole reason why you’re having a hair transplant or having medical therapy for hair loss because those transplants or those medical therapies are intended to cover the balding scalp and not have the see through there, But the one thing is you don’t want to create so much density that it just looks like a dark mound of hair. It won’t look right. Another example is scalp micropigmentation or SMP. You must inform the patient that scalp visibility is normal that the end goal is not so dense as scalp micropigmentation that the whole scalp is tattooed black and there’s no space or light showing through that looks like scalp that can look totally fake and totally unnatural. So how much scalp visibility is necessary? Well, that’s the expertise of the hair surgeon and the hair team describing to you those issues rather than in your mind, but I really try to discourage patients from having zero scalp visibility. It just doesn’t look right.


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