This hair-transplant Web site offers extensive information on the field of hair restoration and on hair loss but more specifically addresses how I think my practice differs from those of others in the industry in terms of quality delivery at every point in the hair-transplant procedure. It offers a significant number of before-and-after photographs of my hair transplant results in almost every conceivable category, tons of illustrative videos, and an interactive forum of Q & A with me.

However, the one thing that I think this Web site has been lacking is a suitable blog in which I can delve into topics on hair restoration that lie beyond the scope of the rigid confines of this Web site. Particularly, I will be exploring topics that go deeply within how I think as a surgeon and the creativity and judgment that goes into creating masterpiece hair-transplant results. Just having published my recent textbook, Hair Transplant 360, I realized how much information I am imparting to surgeons who are interested in entering this field or are looking to refine their knowledge. Accordingly, I thought how much my prospective patients would want to understand these concepts too so there has been a heavy focus on the esoteric but in my estimation profoundly important topics that I do not believe have been covered to this extent in any blog written on the subject of hair restoration until now.

As a teacher of hair transplantation both through the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and in my own course that I run each year in St. Louis, I recognize the need for an academic understanding of hair transplantation. Through this rigorous understanding, I think you will also see what separates a world-class surgeon from one who is only dabbling in this field. I hope that this new blog series fulfills your intellectual curiosity but also provides you the power of knowledge as a patient who is now armed with as much knowledge as I have on this subject about which I am so deeply passionate.


Dr. Samuel Lam
Dallas, Texas