My New Hair Book, Hair Transplant 101, Just Came Out!

I am proud to announce that my 9th hair transplant textbook, Hair Transplant 101, was just released at the end of July 2023 by the amazing publisher Quality Medical Publishing (QMP). This new book follows on the heels of my last textbook that came out April 2022, which is the world’s largest and most encyclopedic reference textbook on follicular unit excision (FUE) and was published by Jaypee Brothers. The reason that I was crazy enough to write a new textbook is that in May of last year I approached Andrew Berger from QMP to see if he could help promote my book from Jaypee at the Miami spring meeting of the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), and he told me what the world really needed was not an encyclopedic reference that spans two volumes and 1500 pages but a simple manual for beginners on how to do hair transplants. He said he would publish this book for me. Despite my fatigue from working on my last book I knew I had to do it. First of all, QMP is the most prestigious publisher out there in the world of plastic surgery. They only publish 1-2 books a year. They are highly selective and their publishing quality is top notch. Their illustrations are simply stunning and I want to thank their in-house illustrator Mason Goth for his amazing work! Also, QMP is based in the United States, in St. Louis to be exact, and the illustrator, editor, and printer are all in Missouri, which I have never seen with my prior 11 textbooks, which are all printed overseas in Asia due to cost constraints. All my profits are also being donated to stop human trafficking like my previous books to an organization that I am very proud of,
Hair Transplant 101 has been a labor of love and teaches the beginner student both valuable harvesting methods: the strip procedure, known correctly as linear strip excision but which the public knows as FUT (albeit erroneously) and FUE. I believe there is so much value to being able to practice both procedures, especially since I perform so many female transplants and I simply do not see a good reason to do FUE in women. I have also innovated so many new ways of teaching hairline design, recipient site creation, along with new ideas of how to do FUE and strip harvesting. If you are a surgeon entering this field, I hope that you will consider buying this lovely book along with the recording of my course that I ran in February in Fort Lauderdale where I gave all 18 lectures and ran the entire lab portion as well. You can find both on Happy reading!