Hair Restoration Blog Dallas
The Cole Gun for Tumescent Anesthesia in Hair Restoration
Published on January 23, 2013 byEvery year and every day I am seeking to attain better hair transplant results and the way to accomplish that task is to enlist better instruments, techniques, and ancillary measures. One small but prominent addition to my practice over the past year has been the use of the Cole tumescent gun that allows me to […]
Donor Closures in Hair Transplant: Are they All the Same?
Published on May 2, 2011 byWe too often focus on the results of hair restoration, i.e., how the transplanted hairs look, and forget the importance of the donor area. I like to call this the “bank” since withdrawals are made from this area and it is important to preserve the “funds” here for future withdrawals. However, too often, the donor […]
The Role of Tumescence in Hair Restoration: A Ship at High Tide
Published on April 4, 2011 byAll donor closures are not the same, nor is all donor hair harvesting. What is a prerequisite to good donor harvesting and closures is excellent tumescence. Tumescence refers to the injection of fluid under the skin the area for donor harvesting and closure prior to undertaking the harvesting. In this article, we will discuss how […]