Hispanic Hair Transplant Dallas

Hispanic hair restoration techniques vary, depending on the mixed Hispanic heritage from which they come (so-called “Mestizo”), and thereby the hairline is tailored to that constraint. Accordingly, hair restoration in the Hispanic individual is more difficult to categorize since it depends on what specific ethnic mix from which the person is derived. The term “Hispanic” is very broad and encompasses many types of individuals of Spanish descent including Mexican, Caribbean, European, and Central and South American. These nuances of the Latino heritage are considered thoroughly by Dr. Samuel Lam, when evaluating Hispanic hair and deciding on the appropriate hairline that would match that Hispanic individual’s facial shape, degree of hair loss, and specific ethnicity. Dr. Lam has performed numerous hair transplant procedures for many of these Hispanic ethnicities and understands what is required to create artistically and technically excellent results. Hispanic hair restoration is a common procedure at the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration in Dallas, Texas.

Hispanic Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common entity in the Hispanic community that mandates a targeted strategy with ethnically sensitive hair transplantation. The term “Hispanic” is very broad and encompasses many types of individuals of Spanish descent including Mexican, Caribbean, European, and Central and South American. Dr. Lam has performed numerous hair transplant procedures for many of these Hispanic ethnicities and understands what is required to create artistically and technically excellent results.

Hispanic Hair Transplant Specialist

Dr. Lam considers himself a specialist in Hispanic hair transplants, as a large percentage of his hair transplant patients are Hispanic. Dr. Lam is also proficient in medical Spanish and can explain your procedure to you in Spanish if need be. Practicing in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Lam believes that he has performed more Hispanic hair transplants than many of his colleagues throughout the United States and offers ethnically sensitive hair restoration to the broadly based Hispanic community.

Hispanic Hair Transplant Procedure

Call 972-312-8105 or email us to schedule your Hispanic hair restoration consultation. The details of Hispanic hair replacement (both the limitations and the benefits in your particular situation), and Hispanic hair transplant cost will be explained to you during your Hispanic hair replacement consultation with Dr. Lam and his team.

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