Female Hairline Lowering Dallas

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Hairline Lowering

Female hairline lowering is a term used to describe bringing down a high female hairline to a more feminine shape and position. Women with a receding hairline can lower their hairline through surgical lowering or by hair transplant. We prefer hair transplant for the following reasons: no visible frontal hairline scarring, much smaller recovery time, much more natural hairline shaped and designed specifically for each woman’s head shape and pattern of hair loss.

Female Hairline Lowering Specialist

Female Hairline LoweringFemale hairline lowering has become one of the main objectives for female hair restoration at our clinic. The hairline in women can become less feminine over time through the evolution of hair loss in the front of the scalp, or an individual may be just born that way. Sometimes the hairline appears distorted or lost through trauma, accidents, or more commonly from aggressive previous cosmetic surgery that unnaturally raises or scars the hairline. For any or all of these reasons, hair transplantation may be the answer for you to improve and lower your hairline and to create a more feminine hairline through female hairline lowering. We perform female hairline lowering in women who lose hair in the frontal hairline with aging, for hair loss incurred along scars in browlifted areas. Further, we perform female hairline lowering in younger and older women who simply want a lower, more feminine hairline even without evidence of any hair loss.

Female Hairline Lowering Surgery

Female hairline lowering can be undertaken either through a surgical flap or through hair transplantation. Dr. Lam, a trained facial plastic surgeon, does not prefer the more invasive method of female hairline lowering that involves an incision from one ear to the other ear (or slightly shorter than this length) for many reasons. First, the procedure involves a prolonged and sometimes permanent numbness to the scalp area. Second, the incision can be visible or unsightly. Third, the sides of the area called the temple region is not easily addressed through a surgical method. Fourth, the natural sweep and flow of the female hairline that involves cowlicks, lateral mounds, and other features can only truly be created with an artistic approach using hair transplantation. For all these reasons, Dr. Lam prefers transplanting individual hairs into the scalp to lower a female hairline.

Female Hairline Lowering Procedure

Call 972-312-8105 or email us to schedule your Female Hairline Lowering consultation. The details of your female hairline Lowering transplant (both the limitations and the benefits in your particular situation), and female hairline lowering cost will be explained to you during your consultation with Dr. Lam and his team.

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