Facial Hair Restoration: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Plano, TX.
Case #62892
Beard-to-beard FUE transplant was used to make the beard fuller. Beard harvests are unique in that they rarely cause any notable scarring in almostany race (unlike the scalp area which can cause white dots), can match perfectly with beard hairs since they are the same caliber etc., and can save scalp hair for scalp transplants.
Case #37729
Eyebrow Hair Restoration, Facial Hair Restoration, Male Hair Restoration, Hairline and Central Density Hair Restoration, FUE
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This 42-year-old is shown before and 4 months following a scalp FUE hair transplant into his hairline and eyebrows and beard to beard FUE hair transplant.