Dr. Lam Chosen as Live Patient Viewing for the ISHRS 32nd Annual World Congress and will be Program Director Next Year for the 33rd Annual World Congress in Berlin, Germany.

I was chosen as the director of Live Patient Viewing at the recent 32nd Annual World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). I got an amazing response from the attendees how interesting the cases I chose were and how fascinating to see a diversity of patients including a brother who donated his hair to his sister, a correction of cutaneous verticis gyrata (that looks like a brain on the scalp), an impressive osteosarcoma scalp reconstruction case, among many others. I spent the entire year working on getting this together to make sure that the attendees got an incredible educational value with tons of interactive elements like videos, QR links to pearls, etc. I will be the Program Chair for the 33rd Annual World Congress of the ISHRS in Berlin, Germany, next year October 23-25, 2025. I hope my colleagues will be able to make it. Here are some photos from this year’s Live Patient Viewing event.