Technique-Graft Dissection Dallas

Description: Graft dissection describes the technique of taking the donor strip of hair and making this donor strip into individual hair grafts intended for graft placement into the recipient sites. Leading the world in quality control (having written a book about it with Dr. Lam and presenting poster and lectures on quality control at the annual hair meetings), Emina Karamanovski leads the team of graft dissectors to ensure non-traumatized, precisely fashioned grafts that fit the recipient sites that Dr. Lam has created like a hand in glove. Careless graft dissection by untrained and undedicated personnel can lead to poor transplant growth and far inferior results despite the best efforts by the surgeon. By never outsourcing the team of dissectors, the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration maintains the ultimate in quality control that rarely exists in the industry. Our motto is “never outsource, never change teams, and never compromise.” Besides the following videos, please read more about graft dissection on our page dedicated to the subject.

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