Hair Restoration Blog Dallas

New Ways to Think of Recipient Sites: Micropunches & Lateral Slits

Published on June 20, 2013 by

There is perhaps not a day or maybe week that goes by without my thinking of how to perform more beautiful artwork for the head. Is it all just the same thing? I certainly do not think so. I have worked on constantly refining my thinking of how to create better results. Recipient sites, the […]

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Parallel vs. Perpendicular Sites in Hair Restoration

Published on June 2, 2011 by

There has been a controversy over the past few years regarding the best method to make a recipient site. There are basically two ways to make recipient sites parallel (also known as sagittal) and perpendicular (also known as lateral slits, or coronal). A recipient site, as a reminder, is the “hole”, or slit, that is […]

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