Hair Restoration Blog Dallas

Preview of the St. Louis Hair Transplant Course

Published on May 15, 2013 by

I cannot believe that this will be the fifth year that Emina and I will be running our St. Louis Hair Transplant 360 Workshop, which has grown, matured, and evolved. The cornerstone of the workshop has always been excellent didactics and extensive hands-on training using cadaver tissues and models. Emina has come up with some […]

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Promotional Video for Hair Transplant Workshop in St. Louis 2011

Published on July 5, 2011 by

Here is my course promotion for my Hair Transplant Cadaver Workshop for surgeons and assistants to be held on October 14-16, 2011 in St. Louis, MO, at St. Louis University:

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Emina, our Hair Transplant Coordinator, Lectures on how to Set Up your Medical Office

Published on November 15, 2009 by

As part of the Hair Transplant course that Dr. Sam Lam directed in St. Louis, Emina Karamanovski, Dr. Lam’s hair transplant coordinator, lectures on how to set up an office environment conducive to hair restoration surgery in the following video: PART 1 OF 2: PART 2 OF 2:

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Lectures on the Importance of Hair Recipient Site Creations

Published on November 15, 2009 by

As the height of artistry, Dr. Sam Lam, Lectures on the Importance of Hair Recipient Site Creations. Dr Lam emphasizes the creation of recipient sites during hair restoration surgery, as part of course he directed in St. Louis on hair transplantation.  Here is the two-part video lecture series: PART 1 OF 2 PART 2 OF […]

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Emina lectures on Phase 1 Training for Hair Transplant Assistants

Published on November 13, 2009 by

Emina Karamanovski, Dr. Sam Lam’s hair transplant coordinator, lectures on her original idea of so-called Phase 1 training using foam models for hair transplant assistants. Watch this two part series below: PART 1 OF 2 PART 2 OF 2

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Darla Stewart, Hair Transplant Assistant, Lectures in St. Louis

Published on November 11, 2009 by

Darla Stewart. Hair Transplant Assistant in Dallas, Texas, lectures in St. Louis on how to set up the surgery room for a hair transplant procedure, as part of the course run by Dr. Sam Lam.

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Dr. Sam Lam’s Hands-On Hair Transplant Workshop is Completely Sold Out

Published on November 1, 2009 by

Dr. Sam Lam serves as national course director for the first of its kind 3 day hands-on hair transplant workshop at St. Louis University. The course is already completely sold out with 40 surgeons attending and 13 hair transplant assistants and a mounting waiting list already forming for next year’s course. Here is more information […]

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