Hair Restoration Blog Dallas
Phase 1 Training for Hair-Transplant Assistants
Published on November 7, 2013 byPhase 1 Hair Transplant Assistant Training (from Dr. Lam’s book, Hair Transplant 360) One thing that I am very proud of is that my team at the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration has developed training of assistants worldwide. We do this through our textbook, Hair Transplant 360, volume 2, which is the first ever book […]
Phase 2 Training for Hair-Transplant Assistants
Published on November 7, 2013 byPhase 2 Hair Transplant Assistant Training (from Dr. Lam’s book, Hair Transplant 360) Phase 2 training can be done in a live human patient or more ideally with cadaver tissue. Since I run a course using cadavers in St. Louis, I can help bridge a hair-transplant assistant from foam tissue to a live model with […]
My Hair Transplant Team: Why It Matters
Published on February 20, 2013 byIt may have been a little while since I have likened my hair transplant team to a Formula One race team but I believe it is worth restating that here and elaborating on why I feel that way. Another example is the peloton in the bicycling world: without the team to help bring the team […]
Phase 2 Training for Hair-Transplant Assistants
Published on June 21, 2012 byPhase 2 training can be done in a live human patient or more ideally with cadaver tissue. Since I run a course using cadavers in St. Louis, I can help bridge a hair-transplant assistant from foam tissue to a live model with more ease. Just like in Phase 1 training, the goal is to master […]
Phase 1 Training for Hair Transplant Assistants
Published on June 2, 2012 byOne thing that I am very proud of is that my team at the Lam Institute for Hair Restoration has developed training of assistants worldwide. We do this through our textbook, Hair Transplant 360, volume 2, which is the first ever book for hair-transplant assistants and in our course, Hair Transplant Workshop, in St. Louis, […]
Regional Hair Restoration: How to Select Hairs for Optimal Graft Placement
Published on March 29, 2012 byMany times hairs are just moved from the back of the head to the front of the head based on the number of hairs that are bundled in each follicular unit. For example, 1-hair grafts are placed into the front hairline and 2-hair grafts behind that and so on. However, little is paid to the […]
How To Grasp A Hair Follicle: Avoiding Kinky Hair Growth
Published on September 24, 2011 byWhat the consumer oftentimes fails to understand is that a well-trained and dedicated hair transplant assistant is a vital component to achieving excellent cosmetic outcomes in a hair-transplant procedure. Many times a consumer looks at the reputation of the surgeon or a brand name outfit for reasons to select that entity to do the hair […]
Emina lectures on Phase 1 Training for Hair Transplant Assistants
Published on November 13, 2009 byEmina Karamanovski, Dr. Sam Lam’s hair transplant coordinator, lectures on her original idea of so-called Phase 1 training using foam models for hair transplant assistants. Watch this two part series below: PART 1 OF 2 PART 2 OF 2
Darla Stewart, Hair Transplant Assistant, Lectures in St. Louis
Published on November 11, 2009 byDarla Stewart. Hair Transplant Assistant in Dallas, Texas, lectures in St. Louis on how to set up the surgery room for a hair transplant procedure, as part of the course run by Dr. Sam Lam.
Dr. Sam Lam’s Hands-On Hair Transplant Workshop is Completely Sold Out
Published on November 1, 2009 byDr. Sam Lam serves as national course director for the first of its kind 3 day hands-on hair transplant workshop at St. Louis University. The course is already completely sold out with 40 surgeons attending and 13 hair transplant assistants and a mounting waiting list already forming for next year’s course. Here is more information […]
Emina Karamanovski, Hair Transplant Coordinator, lectures on Assistant Quality Control
Published on October 3, 2009 byEmina Karamanovski, Hair Transplant Coordinator, for Dr. Sam Lam lectures on quality control for hair transplant assistants. Ms. Karamanovski presented her original ideas in San Diego, California on October 3, 2009 as part of a course for which Dr. Lam served as course director. Her video lectures are divided into two parts: