Whose Before and Afters are you Really Looking at?
When you look at a hair-transplant clinic’s before-and-after photographs, what are you really seeing? The number one issue that I have with large clinic chains is the use of pooled photographs that represent the work of surgeons from across the world who work at those Wade Bogg’s Hair Transplant Results clinics past and present. That should matter very little because you are not buying a brand but the skill of a surgeon and the team that works on you. Nothing else really matters. All the hair transplant before-and-after images you see when you look at my Web site were done by me and my team. If you are going to choose a large clinic chain for your work, you must ask for the before-and-after photographs performed by that particular surgeon and team.
Dr Samuel Lam is a board certified hair restoration surgeon in Dallas, TX. To schedule a consultation please call 972-312-8105, or visit Dr Lam’s hair restoration forum to ask him a question.